By joining our loyalty programme you can enjoy priority booking for our key events such as Santa’s Grotto.
You can also opt to receive newsletters each month packed with gardening tips, content for wildlife lovers, updates on events and much more. Using our loyalty app, you may also receive special offers to use instore.
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Terms and Conditions
To read our full Terms and Conditions, please click here.
Upon joining ‘Your Scotsdales’ you will receive an e-card direct to your inbox for you to use straight away. If you would like a physical card posted out to your address please let us know below and we will aim to send out within 7-10 days of request.
For every £1 spent in store you’ll collect 3 points. 100 points is the equivalent to £1 redeemed off your next purchase.
Points can be collected and redeemed against purchases made at the checkouts in store and in our Sunflower Cafés. You cannot collect or automatically redeem points against purchases made online and over the phone but we can add them on after with proof of purchase.
For full terms and conditions of using loyalty points, click here.
Your Scotsdales members have access to exclusive monthly offers to use within our stores.
Offers vary monthly, but can include free drinks in our cafes, discounts on top products, free giveaways and more.
You’ll hear about new products before anyone else, from seasonal plants and food to fantastic gifts and stylish garden furniture.
Be the first to know about events, exclusive shopping evenings, expert talks and more.
Santa’s Grotto – newsletter subscribers will also be the first to know about tickets for Santa’s Grotto and will be given early bird access for booking ahead of general release.
The Your Scotsdales loyalty app makes shopping in store as simple as picking up a product, scanning the barcode and heading to the checkouts to complete payment.
By scanning as you go, you can limit the possible queuing times at the checkouts and reduce the contact on the items you’re purchasing.
App users will also receive exclusive vouchers direct to their phone.
You can also keep track of your full transactions and points history to make sure you never miss out.
Loyalty Points – earn and spend points instore to save money on your transactions.
Rewards and offers – loyalty members get special offers exclusively that won’t be available for non members. Rewards change regularly and are catered for the recipient.
Newsletters – newsletter subscribers will be kept up to date on the latest offers, seasonal product changes and new events ahead of the general public.
Santa’s Grotto – loyalty members will get exclusive early bird opportunities to book tickets for our Santa’s Grotto experiences.
The Scotsdales app – download the Scotsdales app to see a full transaction and points purchase history to make sure you never miss out.
Earn 3 loyalty points on every £1 spent with Scotsdales*. 100 loyalty points is equal to £1 to spend off your next instore purchase.
No vouchers needed, simply swipe or scan your card and our till staff will advise if points available to use. You can opt to save them for next time and have a bigger redemption in future.
*exceptions include: postage stamps, gift cards, Calor gas, delivery & service fees
No vouchers needed, simply swipe or scan your card and our till staff will advise if points available to use.
You can opt to save them for next time and have a bigger redemption in future.
No vouchers needed, simply swipe or scan your card and our till staff will advise if points available to use.
You can opt to save them for next time and have a bigger redemption in future.
Your Scotsdales is free to join. You can sign up online here
You can sign up directly via our app – Play Store / Apple Store
Or speak with a member of our team when visiting and we will gladly assist you instore.
Please use the contact form on this page and we can assist with getting a new card readied for you.
Alternatively, please speak with a member of our team when visiting and we will be happy to assist.
Yes, if you use the Scotsdales app on an Apple or Android device then there is a link to take your card directly into your wallet.
Please click here to see our most up to date loyalty points offers. App users and newsletter subscribers will receive new offers exclusively for their accounts.
App users will always have a copy of their loyalty card to hand meaning you’ll never miss the chance to use instore.
Exclusive vouchers – we will send exclusive vouchers to your phone monthly with new instore offers just for you.
Points and transaction history – you will have a full list of historical transactions with electronic receipts attached for your records.
Scan and go feature – buying lots on your visit? Scan the items as your browse and save time at the checkout.
You can find our app on – Play Store / Apple Store
All we’ll need is your receipt and access to your account.
Please speak with a member of our team whilst instore.
Call us on 01223 842777 or use our contact form at the bottom of this page and we will be able to add any missing points for you.
We can only add points up to 28 days after the date of the transaction.
Please speak with a member of our team whilst instore.
Call us on 01223 842777 or use our contact form at the bottom of this page and we will be able to assist with this request.
Yes, Your Scotsdales is a free to join loyalty scheme and members will never be asked to pay to utilise the service.
Please speak with a member of our team whilst instore.
Call us on 01223 842777 or use our contact form at the bottom of this page and we will be able to assist with this request.
Please speak with a member of our team whilst instore.
Call us on 01223 842777 or use our contact form at the bottom of this page and we will be able to assist with this request.
App users – app users can update their own details directly on their phone.
We are a family run collection of local garden centres in the Cambridge area. Gardening is our passion.
Scotsdales Garden Centre
Cambridge Road
Great Shelford
CB22 5JT
© 2025 All Rights Reserved.